Thursday, December 24, 2009

Why Making your IT Leaner Will Save you Money

How is your IT system? Over-complicated? Hard to understand? Runs slowly? Burdened with down time? Costs you a fortune in support?

That’s probably because you have something far too over-complex for your true needs.

Leaner IT systems better suit the needs and budgets of small to medium sized businesses.

How about if you could stop worrying about IT by simplifying you system so that it costs you less in terms of outlay and support?

Saving your business money and reducing risk are the two things that will increase your profits.

Protecting your business and reducing risk is made possible via:

· Simplified systems
· The latest technology
· Off site back ups
· Hosted desktops
· Proactive support

Is it time to make your IT leaner? To improve efficiency and reduce costs? If it is time to make the complex simple then talk to us today.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Latest iPhone Worm targets Dutch internet bankers

The second worm to hit the iPhone has come to light thanks to security company F-Secure. It affects anyone in the Netherlands who uses their iPhone for internet banking with online bank ING.

Attacking "jail-broken" phones: those that have been modified so that the user can run non-Apple approved software, the worm redirects ING customers to a mirror image site with a log-in screen.

The handsets at risk have SSH (secure shell) installed, a feature that allows other programs to remotely connect and transfer files. The feature’s default password, "alpine" should be changed. If the password is changed, the risk is eliminated.

F-Secure warns that the new worm is more serious than the first because it can behave like a ‘botnet’ which means the phone can be accessed or controlled remotely without the permission of its owner.

Research director of F-Secure Mikko Hypponen said in an interview with the BBC, "It's fairly isolated and specific to Netherlands but it is capable of spreading."

There is a risk that the worm could jump from phone to phone amongst those sharing a wi-fi hotspot. An ING Bank spokesperson said that a warning would be issued via the bank's official website.

Ikee, the first iPhone worm, was harmless and saw the wallpaper of infected phones replaced with a picture of 1980s pop star Rick Astley.

How to Communicate Smarter - and Cheaper - using VOIP

Obviously you can’t run a business without a telephone system. But don’t restrict your options to traditional systems that cost a fortune. If you are still reeling from your last phone bill, think about switching to VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol).

A VOIP system works over a broadband Internet connection but allows you to connect to any telephone worldwide no matter what system the call recipient is using. They are also able to call you. You don’t need to have your computer switched on in order to make calls as long as the broadband connection is active, but there’s nothing to stop you using your computer while making a call.

Here are a few of the benefits a VOIP system could bring to your business:

Lower costs. Because a VOIP provider doesn’t have the overheads of conventional network providers the calls can be exceptionally low cost, or even free.

Increased efficiency. You can use features such as call forwarding and voicemail to e-mail to ensure you never miss a call.

A system tailored to your needs. You will be able to monitor and control all features through an on-line control panel.

Free site-to-site calls. No need to ration calls to and from home workers or between branches, so everyone can keep in touch, share information and solve problems as soon as they arise.

No need for extra phone lines. Because all calls are sent over the Internet you won’t need multiple analogue lines.

Keep your old phones. You don’t have to replace your existing analogue handsets with new IP phones – another money-saver!

A permanent number. If you move to new premises simply take your number with you. VOIP numbers are not geographically dependent.

Remote access. Take a phone adapter when you go travelling and you will be able to access your VOIP service from anywhere in the world where you can get a broadband connection.

Help and advice. Choosing a hosted VOIP system will ensure that it is installed quickly, you will receive expert advice on how to get the most from it, and there will be continuing support if you need to change anything.

VOIP could help your business communications in many ways: by improving efficiency, reducing costs and achieving the effect of portraying a larger operation than you may actually have. Find out more about installing a VOIP system from your local IT support company.

Why your Company Needs an Intranet

Information is the lifeblood of any company and most of it can be stored on computers. As a company grows however, so does the amount of information, until there is a problem, not with storage, but retrieval. Staff cannot work efficiently if the data they need is held on a number of computers, perhaps housed in different offices or even in separate buildings. E-mailing each other or circulating printed copies of essential information is time-consuming, expensive and can lead to mistakes.

Before your business reaches this stage, it makes sense to consider setting up a Company Intranet.

An intranet works in the same way as an Internet website except that it is only accessible within your company. If you see your public website as a shop window to the world, then an intranet is like a filing cabinet in your private office; an expanding cabinet in which you can arrange all your documents, directories, sales catalogues, financial records, e-books, photos, videos and anything else you need to run your business.

It is quick and easy to set up an intranet. All you need is a web server to host it. If you haven’t the time or expertise to do it yourself, ask a reputable IT support company for help and advice.

Once you and your staff begin to use your company intranet, these are just a few of the benefits you will be able to enjoy:

· Instant updates. As soon as new information is posted it is available to everyone who has access to your intranet.

· No need to print out memos, reports etc. when everyone can access them online. Saves the cost of paper, ink and postage – and helps the environment!

· Content is password protected so you can choose which information is available to all employees and which is restricted.

· No need to buy and license software for each computer – another money saver!

· Individuals and departments can keep in touch with each other and find out what’s happening in the rest of the company through blogs, message boards or regular newsletters.

· If holiday and work rotas are on the intranet there’s no confusion about who is – and is not – available at a particular time. When someone has been away from work, they can quickly catch up on what’s happened during their absence.

· Easier home and distance working. A computer doesn’t have to be on your premises to be connected to your company’s local area network.

· It’s simple to operate and tailor to your needs. You can add or adapt features as your business changes, try out new ideas or discard things you no longer need.

An intranet allows you to work smarter because access to your company’s information is at the finger tips of everyone involved in the business, whether onsite or working remotely. Intranets also save a company money by eliminating the need for printed manuals, and they make staff feel like they are part of a network.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Lean IT makes life easier, saves money and increases profits

Businesses are being shown that it is possible to realise savings of up to 30% on ongoing IT costs, something all of them needs in this economic climate.

Lean IT will have major impact on business profit margins

The IT landscape is changing fast. Traditional methods of running IT systems dating back to the easy credit pre-recession days are now far too expensive, over burdensome and out of date. Smaller businesses can work more efficiently, save money, increase flexibility and reduce risk, and this will have a major impact on profit margins.

Businesses will benefit from a reduction in the complexity of their networks to make them leaner, using the following initiatives:

Virtual, Consolidated Servers: Seriously reduce space, power and maintenance costs

‘Thin Client’ Computing: Save 50% on running costs, power consumption and maintenance by replacing traditional PCs with Thin Clients: computers that don’t do their own processing but rely on a central, often remote processor.Utilise Manufacturer Warranties: Maintain high end servers economically by utilising manufacturers’ warranties.

Remote only Support: Using remote support, IT issues can be rectified without the need for site visits, therefore driving down the cost of support cover.

Flexible licensing: Reduced licensing costs are possible by renting software applications rather than purchasing them.

VOIP and Least Cost Routing: If you pay BT directly for your phone calls then you could save over 70% on call charges by using Voice Over IP (VOIP) or Least Cost Routing.

If you want to make considerable savings on IT and increase your profits as a result, there are many things that can be done. Contact your IT support company without delay to find out more about a leaner form of IT.

Warning: Files Saved to Desktop could Miss Crucial Back Ups!

It’s common to save files to a desktop to make them easier to find and open without the need to drill down through a hierarchy of folders.

The advantages are obvious; however should problems arise with data loss and a system restore is needed, these desktop based files are often lost forever.

The problem with typical small business networks, often powered by Small Business Server 2003, is that the backup regime only includes data on the server and the individual user’s My Documents folder if it has been redirected to the server. This means that more often than not, the user’s desk top based files will miss the back up.

If you operate a network, make sure all users only save data in their My Documents folder or a network folder (or network share) that has been approved by the system administrator. This way, you can be sure that ALL crucial data and documents will be included in the back up.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Workplace Internet and E-mail: Do you have an Acceptable Use Policy in Place?

If you don’t have a solid Internet and e-mail Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) in place in your workplace for employees to follow, your business could be at serious risk.

An AUP should be drafted with care so as to minimise the risks posed by the use of internet and e-mail within your business; risks that could lead to legal proceedings and a serious slow down on your business operations.

It is important, particularly in the smaller business, to be realistic when putting together your policy. Your priority is the safety and security of your IT system and data and of course upholding the good name of your business; however it is important not to make rules overly stringent so as to stop your staff being able to do their jobs properly, or indeed affect morale.

The policy should be updated regularly, and should address the specific needs of your business.

Here are some tips on what a fairly drafted policy could cover:

Do not allow employees to:

  • Use internet radio; this saps bandwidth which leads to slow internet, which can slow down working processes

  • Use peer to peer file sharing sites; this poses the threat of viruses which can bring a halt to a network operation

  • Use social networking sites during business hours; working time should be spent on work, not socialising

  • Visit sites or send or forward e-mails that have content related to sex, gambling, violence or racial hatred as this can lead to costly litigation

  • Download freeware or shareware – the virus risk is high

  • Download copied software – this is illegal and could lead to serious litigation

  • Use e-mail for personal use; it is time wasting and e-mails are still generated from and stored on business servers which could lead to legal issues should the content of those e-mails be dubious


  • Restrict personal use of the internet to lunch time or outside business hours

  • Use a firewall with programmable content restrictions

  • Make it clear that your company owns any e-mail communications stored on your company computers and that you have the right to access them at any time

  • Clearly set out the disciplinary process that you will follow should there be a breach of your policy

  • Ensure all members of staff are issued with a copy of the AUP and monitor supervisors and managers on its implementation

High profile court cases concerning the use of corporate equipment for personal, social or dubious actions are well documented for costing employers considerably. If you don’t want that to happen to your business, get an AUP place sooner rather than later. And appreciate the knock on effect that seemingly innocent actions can have.

Taking time to draft a strong Acceptable Use Policy that is tailored to your company is an important investment in the future of your business. Make sure you have one in place, and ensure it is enforced!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Why Off Site Backups are the Safest Option

Everyone understands how important it is to back up computerised information, but when was the last time you reviewed your backup systems?

If you’ve never had to cope with a major loss of data you should consider yourself lucky, but don’t allow yourself, or your staff, to become complacent. Periodically check that what should happen in theory always happens in practice. Ask a few ‘what if?’ questions. If they reveal any weak spots, find a solution as quickly as possible.

Many small and medium sized businesses are deciding they can’t afford to take even the smallest risk of having valuable data lost, stolen or destroyed. They are choosing the safest option and using secure, off site backup services. Here’s why:

When you’re busy, it’s all too easy to forget about backing up your work until after a file has been accidentally deleted or the hard drive has crashed. But an off site storage system automatically copies data directly from your computers to a remote server at pre-arranged times. There’s no need for reminders, and no danger of a single document being overlooked.

Minimising the risk of theft
Once your backups are carefully locked away they are probably safe from all but the most determined thief. But how often is your data transported from one place to another? Do you carry CDs or USB flash drives in your briefcase so you can take work home with you? Do you copy files to a laptop so you have all the information you need when attending meetings out of the office? Have you stopped to think what effect it might have on your business if that briefcase or laptop went missing?

Using an off site backup service eliminates that risk. You simply access whatever you need from your backed up data using any computer with an Internet connection.

This is a layer of security that is often underused. If you only encrypt sensitive information when emailing it, you might not think it necessary to encrypt your stored data. That’s fine if you can be certain it will never fall into the wrong hands, but it’s always better to be safe than sorry. With off site backups all your files are encrypted and compressed before leaving your computers. They can then only be recovered by using your account number, password and encryption key.

Disaster proofing
Is the place where you store your backed up data well away from your computers? Is it completely fireproof and waterproof? No matter how careful you are, accidents and malicious damage can happen. Nowhere is completely safe against all eventualities, but a company specialising in off site backups is far more secure than the average office and many store your data in more than one location.

Long-term storage
Tapes, CDs and DVDs don’t last forever and some – even if they are the same age and brand – become corrupted sooner than others. Although data storage technology is improving all the time it makes sense to check your backups regularly to ensure your data is still readable. And you would be well advised to make new copies of your oldest archives: just in case. All this takes time, which could probably be better spent on growing your business. If you use an off site backup service however, your data is protected for as long as you need.

Why Outsource IT?

Every business needs an IT management plan to ensure the smooth running of its IT systems.

For any business, an IT failure at a critical moment can have far-reaching consequences. Telling your customers and suppliers, ‘Sorry, our system is down’ will do little to enhance either your balance sheet or reputation.

But what options are available to the owner of a small or medium sized business working to a tight budget? One that is worth investigating is outsourcing your IT to a specialist IT support company.

How do you decide if outsourcing your IT is right for your business? When weighing up the costs and benefits, you could start by asking the following questions:

1. What do you do if there is an IT problem?

Do you, or one of your staff, have to stop work to sort it out? Do you call someone in? Do they come straight away?

2. If your whole system was out-of-action for a day, how much would it cost you:

a) to have it repaired?
b) in lost orders?
c) in wages paid to staff who cannot do their work?

3. Have you ever allowed someone who knows all about PC to fix a problem – only to have it made worse?

4. How much time do you spend doing routine maintenance tasks?

5. How often have you neglected to carry out those important but time-consuming computer checks and updates?

6. Are you sure you are using your existing system in the most efficient and cost-effective way?

7. Are you able to keep up-to-date with, and take advantage of, all the latest IT innovations?

If you want to know more about how outsourcing works, contact a reputable IT support company in your area. Look for one that is qualified to manage all types of IT systems and understands the needs and concerns of business owners like you.

Many will offer a free, no obligation consultation that includes an audit of your IT system and suggestions for a range of services that can be tailored to your exact requirements. You can choose to outsource only the more complicated tasks, or you might prefer to opt for a full network maintenance contract that takes complete care of your whole system.

Whatever you decide, you will discover that handing responsibility for your IT over to a reliable specialist service can save money, headaches, and valuable time that you and your staff can put to better use in growing your business.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Wireless Networks: How Secure is Yours?

Is your Wireless Network secure? Are you absolutely sure...?
It is probably the case these days that most home and office networks are running wirelessly, taking advantage of the convenience and benefits a wireless network brings.

However, and very worryingly, we have experienced a number of issues lately where wireless networks have not been properly set up by businesses and were therefore running the risk of a security breech.

Wireless networks, when properly configured, can actually offer a far higher level of security than wired networks. But it is vital to have the network set up by an expert from the outset so as to avoid serious problems that could have far reaching consequences for your business or personal data and privacy.

Keep your Resources Safe

Resources can be anything from your internet service to your software. If your wireless network is not secure, anyone nearby can connect to it. Not only does this mean they will take advantage of the internet access that you pay for, they could also find their way into your data, e-mail and anything else they can lay their hands on.

It is commonly thought that wireless routers are secure by default: this is not true! They need to be set up to be secure and simply hiding your network ID (SSID) is not good enough.

How to Secure a Wireless Network

The best way to ensure security is to get help from an experienced IT professional in setting up your network. This is particularly important if you are running a business. They will ensure:
  • Your admin password is re-set to something strong enough to prevent unauthorised access
  • Your wireless router is physically secured so as to prevent tampering
  • Suitable authentication and encryption are used

Secure your business and personal information by securing your wireless network; don’t think your wireless router is secure just because it says so on the pack. Take appropriate steps to set up your network so that it protects you, and if you are unsure how to do this, seek professional IT advice.

Why you need a content managed website

You need a content managed website: fact. Well, you don't want to be hanging around waiting for costly updates to be made to your website, do you?

Firstly, let’s explain what a ‘content managed website’ is.

Basically, it’s one that you can edit yourself, without having to ask a web designer to do it for you, and without having to know anything about web programming or design.

A content management system is something that will benefit you greatly if you want to keep your website up to date as and when you please. And it will present you with considerable cost savings in the future too.

Report your news as it happens, not several weeks later!

Imagine you have some news to report, or your pricing has changed, or you have added new products to your range. You want to get that information updated on your website as soon as possible; but your website designer is busy or on holiday and they can’t do the updates for you straight away. And when they do finally get round to them, they send you a hefty bill!

Regularly updated website content boosts search engine success

A website needs to be updated regularly so that visitors and search engines alike are fed with new content. Search engines love new content and you will benefit from increased rankings the more you add. Additionally, fresh content on a website keeps visitors interested; if they know there is something new to read, they will keep coming back to see what you have to offer.

With a content managed website you can:
  • Improve your search engine rankings by regularly adding fresh content
  • Keep visitors interested by reporting your news as it happens
  • Update your website text and images via the internet without the need for any software or web programming knowledge
  • Stop paying ongoing web designer costs and waiting weeks for updates to be done

If you have a static website, that is one you cannot update yourself, you will already know the frustrations. If you are looking at setting up a website for the first time, think about the benefits of adding a content management system; it will be slightly more expensive at the outset, but in a short period of time you will easily pull back the additional cost and be reaping the rewards of a regularly updated website.

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing: one of the latest buzz phrases, but what exactly does it mean and what effect is it going to have on the way we work?

In a nutshell, cloud computing is a new way of working; and it’s set to be revolutionary, especially for smaller and home based businesses.

Another name for cloud computing is ‘hosted desktops’. This is probably a better term to describe the concept because it sums it up literally.

With a hosted desktop, a specialist provider runs your server remotely. All your data, software and applications are kept on an external server and you simply login via the internet and access your desktop, complete with documents, files, folders, software and applications. It really is as simple as that! But let’s go into just a bit more detail so you can see just how beneficial this way of working could be to your business.

The benefits of using a hosted desktop, or cloud computing, are vast. Here’s a quick summary:

Big Benefits

  • Complete security and peace of mind - no data or software stored on site
  • No need for manual back ups – your data is constantly backed up throughout the day so you will never lose any of it
  • No need to invest in costly server purchases or maintenance
  • Access your own familiar desktop wherever you are via the internet and enjoy instant access to your data and applications
  • Constant access to the latest software versions without having to load, update or purchase anything yourself
  • PC damaged or stolen? No problem; your data is still accessible via another PC
  • No need for a costly IT department or maintenance contract
  • Substantial cost savings
If you run a small business, a hosted desktop will completely change the way you work; it will enhance your competitive edge by allowing you to compete with larger players in your industry with very little outlay. Cloud computing is safe, it’s secure, and it makes life so much easier.